FUT vs FUE: Comparing hair treatment methods

This post is going to put light on both these treatments that could help you in making an informed decision.

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Beverly Restoration
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Hair transplantation is proving a boon for people who want to restore growth after hair loss. In the present time, there are 2 proven techniques of hair restoration. These are known as Follicular Unit Extraction and Follicular Unit Transplantation. The debate of FUE vs FUT is endless as both treatments are good to deliver exceptional results. However, many individuals often consider which type is best for them when it comes to restoring the lost hairs. This post is going to put light on both these treatments that could help you in making an informed decision.

FUE hair transplant

As the name suggests itself, this treatment works by extracting individual hair follicles from the donor site. The donor area is shaven by the hair surgeon to remove each follicle using a microscopic punching tool. The extraction of follicles is manual or robotic to deliver precise and quick service to the patients. The cost for this treatment is 5000 to 15000 on average. It can increase as per the number of grafts required and also depends on the number of sessions required.

Benefits of FUE


The procedure of extracting follicles is accurate in this treatment since the surgeon pulls each follicle individually from the donor area.

Natural results

With this treatment, you can attain natural hair-growth results. This treatment leaves minimal scarring behind that is almost not visible. So, you can also keep a short hairstyle with this technique.

Less invasive

The major point in the context of FUE vs FUT is the pain. This treatment is less invasive due to the individual follicle extraction. The surgeon will not remove the entire strip of hairs from the donor site. So, it is also less painful and followed by local anesthesia.

FUT hair transplant

This method is also popularly known as the strip method. In this method, a long and thin piece of skin tissue is removed from the backside of the head. The individual hair follicle extraction then takes place after removing the strip. The harvesting process with this technique leaves a visible and long scar behind the head. The cost for this treatment is less than FUE as it does not require much time to accomplish.

Benefits of FUT

High follicle survival

In this technique, the follicles are usually removed from the middle area of the head. This is the place where the hairs are permanent and stable. So, this technique is useful if you have fewer hairs on the head to attain healthy follicles.

Fuller hairs

This treatment provides fuller growth of hairs. With this treatment, the hairs are transplanted in small groups of 1-4 hairs. It allows the patients to get natural and fuller growth of hairs. The scar is no doubt visible with this method, but once the hairs grow to a fuller amount, the scar becomes undetectable.

Only single scar

Despite the number of FUT sessions, you will be left only with a single scar behind the head. Unlike, FUE there will be no scarring after each hair follicular extraction.

The Bottom Line

So, this is the FUE vs FUT. Both treatments are good for hair restoration and are result-oriented. You can consult with a professional hair surgeon to choose the most suitable as per your specific preferences.

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